bibliogroup:"Pragmatics & beyond" from
This is the first historical investigation on the nonverbal component of conversation.
bibliogroup:"Pragmatics & beyond" from
The empirical investigation suggests that speech rhythm patterns at turn transitions in everyday English conversation are not random occurrences or the result of a social-psychological adaptation process but are contextualization cues which ...
bibliogroup:"Pragmatics & beyond" from
This book analyses and describes Speech and Thought Presentation (S&TP) in French from a broad theoretical perspective, building bridges between linguistic, stylistic and narratological frameworks that have until now been developed ...
bibliogroup:"Pragmatics & beyond" from
This book offers foundations for a literary criticism which seeks to mediate between writers and readers belonging to different historical periods or social groupings.
bibliogroup:"Pragmatics & beyond" from
A collection of papers on discourse markers in different languages, presented at the fifth conference of the International Pragmatics Association, Mexico, in the summer of 1996.
bibliogroup:"Pragmatics & beyond" from
This book offers foundations for a literary criticism which seeks to mediate between writers and readers belonging to different historical periods or social groupings.
bibliogroup:"Pragmatics & beyond" from
A collection of papers on discourse markers in different languages, presented at the fifth conference of the International Pragmatics Association, Mexico, in the summer of 1996.
bibliogroup:"Pragmatics & beyond" from
Presents findings on rhythms in English speech, covering such topics as the isochrony debate, identifying isochrony, models of linguistic rhythm, speech rhythm at turn transitions, speech rhythm at sequence-external junctures and speech ...
bibliogroup:"Pragmatics & beyond" from
This book, the first of its kind on the subject, considers the role that impoliteness has to play by drawing extracts from a range of discourse types (car parking disputes, army and police training, police-public interactions and kitchen ...
bibliogroup:"Pragmatics & beyond" from
Jacobs (U. of Antwerp) began his investigation after a pile of press releases from Exxon about the Valdez spill fell to him.