Otis Henry Tiffany
Born: 1825
Died: 1891 (age 66 years)
Tiffany's Diamonds of Poetry and Prose, Comprising the Most Unique, Touching, Pithy, and Beautiful Literary Treasures
Gems for the Fireside: Comprising the Most Unique, Touching, Pithy, and Beautiful Literary Treasures from the Greatest Minds in the Realms of Poetry and Philosophy, Wit and Humor, Statesmanship and Religion
Addresses Delivered at the Opening of the Pennsylvania Female College at Harrisburg
Perfect Pearls of Poetry and Prose; the Most Unique, Touching, Inspiring and Beautiful Literary Treasures. .
Africa for Africans: Being the Annual Discourse Delivered at the Sixty-seventh Anniversary of the American Colonization Society, Held in Foundry Methodist E. Church, Washington, D.C., Sunday, January 13, 1884
Pulpit and Platform