inauthor: Charles Jared Ingersoll from
A Collection of Documents Charles Oscar Paullin. EMMONS , GEORGE FOSTER ... INGERSOLL , CHARLES JARED . Historical Sketch of the Second War between the ... in Author's Autograph Edition of Irving's writings ( New York , 1897 ) ...
inauthor: Charles Jared Ingersoll from
... CHARLES JARED INGERSOLL . FORD ED . , X , 325. ( M. , 1824. ) 924. BOSTON PORT BILL , Denounced . -All such ... inauthor- itative . The East India Company , who till that time had never sent a pound of tea to America on their own ...
inauthor: Charles Jared Ingersoll from
... Charles Jared Ingersoll Williams , R. Hon . Peter White , A Biogr . Sketch of the Lake Superior Iron Country ... in author - land 1846 Murphy , Audie . To Hell and Back Simpson , H.B. Audie Murphy , American Soldier Stuart ...
inauthor: Charles Jared Ingersoll from
What we eat, where it is from, and how it is produced are vital questions in today's America. We think seriously about food because it is freighted with the hopes, fears, and anxieties of modern life.