We came to Versailles in the expectation of receiving a peace proposal based on the agreed principles. We were firmly resolved to do everything in our power.
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On 7 May the five delegates Dr. W.Simons, von Haniel, von Stockhammer, von Lersner and Roediger appeared with. Brockdorff-Rantzau in the hotel Trio- Palace at ...
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The historic task of the Peace Conference of Versailles is to bring about this union. Accept, Mr. President, the expression of my distinguished consideration.
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Signing delegations ; France · Georges Clemenceau · Stephen Pichon · Louis-Lucien Klotz · André Tardieu · Jules Cambon ; Germany · Hermann Müller · Johannes Bell ...
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The Peace Conference, composed of delegates from the allied and associated powers, convened in Paris, Jan. 18, 1919.
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Reproduced below is the text of the German delegation's protests against what they viewed as the punitive severity of the Allies' proposed peace terms.
W. M. Jordan; The German Delegation at the Paris Peace Conference, International Affairs Review Supplement, Volume 19, Issue 8, 1 June 1942, Pages 456, htt.
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Title. Comments by the German Delegation on the conditions of peace. Names. Germany. Peace Conference Delegations, 1919. Created / Published.
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The German Delegation at the Paris Peace Conference. By Alma Luckau. (New York; Columbia University Press. 1941. Pp. xv, 522. $5.00.) - Volume 36 Issue 3.
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The German delegates following Mr. Brockdorff-Rantzau, leaving the house where the Peace Treaty was handed to them in Versailles, 1919. The ...
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