What did the German Delegation leader say caused the war? Disregard for the right of people to determine their own destiny, imperialism, and policies of retaiation as well as expansion amongst European nations caused the war, according to Count Brockdorff-Rantzau.
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Mar 5, 2021 · Explanation: The German delegation leader took the position of innocence in causing World War I. He said that imperialism caused the war.
What did he say caused the war? That it wasn't all Germany's fault. The mobilization of Russia, the assassination of the Duke of the ...
Although President Wilson in his speech of 26th October 191623 recognised “that no single fact has been the cause of the war, but in the last resort the deeper ...
The 1919 Treaty of Versailles held Germany responsible for starting the war. Germany became liable for the cost of massive material damages.
It cannot be denied that the conditions were somewhat draconian. Germany accepted responsibility for the war and lost 68,000 km˛ of territory, including Alsace ...
Oct 21, 2024 · The war guilt clause of the treaty deemed Germany the aggressor in the war and consequently made Germany responsible for making reparations to ...
The treaty required Germany to disarm, make territorial concessions, extradite alleged war criminals, agree to Kaiser Wilhelm being put on trial, recognise the ...
Jun 27, 2019 · The second hated point, Article 231, was dubbed 'the war-guilt clause', attributing responsibility for the war to Germany. In addition to ...
Justice, therefore, is the only possible basis for the settlement of the accounts of this terrible war. Justice is what the German Delegation asks for and says ...