No one is all too sure anymore. The NWG offers peace and a violence-free world. The rebels offer freedom of the mind. The rebel's plan to bring down the NWG is rising to a head, and in 2025, the time for 'Operation Freewill' has come.
In this addition to the Church Questions series, David King guides curious readers on a journey to discover Jesus in all of Scripture. The booklet begins by examining Jesus's own understanding of how the Old Testament witnesses to him.
Cum pot credincioșii să practice iertarea și reconcilierea într-un fel evlavios? În această carte, Daniel P. Miller îi ajută pe creștini să înțeleagă responsabilitatea lor morală când răspund la frustrările ce apar în ...
In this addition to the Church Questions series, Daniel Miller helps Christians understand their moral responsibility when responding to common frustrations in the church.
Using an inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW), a propensity scoring method, we examine a broad range of child health outcomes and account for a comprehensive set of controls, focusing on a sample of children 2 to 17 years old ...