inauthor:"John Slade" from
In Volume II of the Adirondack Green trilogy, the people of a small American town respond to the dying forest, and the death of one of their sons in Iraq.
inauthor:"John Slade" from
Twenty-one very positive short stories about people becoming better people.
inauthor:"John Slade" from
An historical novel set during the American Revolution. A married couple tells their story about life in General Washington's army.
inauthor:"John Slade" from
Adirondack Green tells the story of a small American town that decides, after much debate, to put a wind turbine on top of the local ski mountain.
inauthor:"John Slade" from
Integrale en ongewijzigde heruitgave van de eerste Hollister-western uit 1972.
inauthor:"John Slade" from
A contemporary tale in an ancient setting, this play examines the choice of young people between career or family, between building a true peace or waiting for war, between self-indulgence or social responsibility.