: Medical, Science, Sports / Recreation
Cover -- Title -- Copyright -- Dedication -- CONTENTS -- List of Figures -- List of Tables -- Preface -- Acknowledgements -- 1 Introduction to biomechanics -- 2 Analysis of data -- 3 Linear kinematics -- 4 Linear kinetics -- 5 Angular kinematics -- 6 Angular kinetics -- 7 Work, energy and power -- Practical Worksheets -- 1 Linear kinematic analysis of a 15 m sprint -- 2 The effect of increase in speed on stride length, stride rate and relative stride length in running -- 3 Determination of the coefficients of limiting friction and sliding friction between shoe soles and playing surfaces -- 4 Force-time analysis of the ground reaction force in walking -- 5 Force-time analysis of the ground reaction force in running -- 6 Linear impulse analysis of the ground reaction force in running -- 7 Linear impulse analysis of the ground reaction force in a countermovement vertical jump -- 8 Comparative linear impulse analysis of the ground reaction forces in countermovement vertical jumps with and without an arm swing -- 9 Linear impulse analysis of the ground reaction force in a standing long jump -- 10 Determination of reactive strength index in rebound vertical jumping -- 11 Hip and knee angular kinematics of a penalty kick in rugby -- 12 Determination of the position of the whole-body centre of gravity of the human body by the direct method using a one-dimension reaction board -- 13 Comparison of the direct and segmental analysis methods of determining the position of the whole-body centre of gravity of the human body -- 14 Determination of take-off distance, flight distance and landing distance in a standing long jump -- 15 Measurement of the moment of inertia of the human body -- 16 Determination of human power output in stair climbing and running up a slope -- 17 Determination of human power output in a countermovement vertical jump